The product we chose to do a commercial for is Gatorade.
We chose Gatorade because we all personally like Gatorade
better than Powerade, found it to be more accommodating for
the location available for us to film at, and it seemed to be a more
fun option to film for. We also chose Gatorade because unlike the
other options available to us, we all drink Gatorade rather than Powerade.
As members of extracurricular activities such as band, swim team,
and auxiliary, we all have our experience with how Gatorade truly
works and how it can help us go on to do these activities after
a seven hour school day.
When one hears the word ‘Gatorade’ electrolytes typically come
to mind. Gatorade has a variety of commercials revolving around
how the electrolytes help replenish your thirst and helps you continue
on with your task. Since it is an energy drink, these commercials are
usually geared towards athletes, but it can target a broader audience
because of the dialogue the commercial uses. Within these commercials,
they usually have some fast dialogue happening where they’re
talking positively about the drink and how it makes one perform better.
This can be geared to athletes, academics, and all those that fall in
between. These commercials can also include celebrities like
Michael Jordan, Peyton Manning, Serena Williams, and
Misty May-Treanor, all of different races, religions, and ethnicities.
Having these different celebrities help with targeting the
majority of the audience.
During a Gatorade commercial, they typically use bright colors
to try and grab the audience's attention. That’s why you will see a
scene of people being outside because outside is associated with
exercise and movement. They also use editing styles like ‘action match’,
‘burnouts’, and ‘reaction shots. They do this to carry out the ‘fast pace’
activities related to Gatorade like exercise. Often times there are a lot of
voice-overs and dialogue to help move the flow of the commercial as well as
bring in another scene.
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