Monday, March 9, 2020

Self Reflection

After the peer review, I realized how much work needed to be done
on my movie. The person that reviewed my film had given the paper that
they used to review my movie. When I got it back, the amount of things I
was missing was less than what I thought I was missing. They had said that
the transitions were clean throughout the film. They also wrote that there were
no titles included in the film. This was because I didn’t think that we needed
them yet, but I was mistaken. They continued with how throughout the film there
was great lighting. I also avoided filming the tripod and other people. I had gotten the
majority of camera angles, movements, and sounds that were required. I had
a total of 9 out of 14 camera angles, movements, and sound. Some I had included
were an establishing shot, a long shot, a high angle, a low angle, a pan, and an action
match. One thing that they really liked about my film was the concept.

After going over the review sheet, I decided it was best to re-plan my schedule. In two
weeks I want to filming the whole movie. I want to do this in order to have enough time
editing. I also need to continue filming some scenes and shots that I failed to film in the
time crunch that I was on. After filming everything, I plan on editing the scenes to finish
it up and put the final details in. There was a problem with the sound and music in my
film that I had noticed. The problem can be easily fixed in a couple of minutes. I hope
I’m able to finish everything I need in order to stay on the timeline I envisioned.

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