Filming was an experiment to say the least. The day before I had gone
to school to check out the camera, tripod, and SD card that I needed. I put
the camera to charge in order for it to have a full battery for the day to come. The
day to film was here. Filming was actually easier than I thought. Since I’m working
alone on this project, I honestly thought filming was going to be difficult but it wasn’t.
Although there were like two shots that I needed help from my sister, the rest were
really easy to film. Shots like an extreme close up and a POV shot. Other shots were
simple to set up and all I had to do was press record and walk to where I needed to
be. I was able to film the first three scenes of the film.
The first scene I filmed included two shots. In the first shot, It was just a black screen.
In the second shot there was an extreme close up of the main character’s eyes waking
up. This is the shot that I need help with because it was difficult to try and get the right
angle by myself. The second scene included seven shots. Three of them included a
sequence of the main character getting up from bed and walking to the kitchen. Four
of them included a sequence of the main character opening the fridge, grabbing eggs,
and closing the fridge. The last scene included four shots. The first two scenes have the
main character making breakfast and receiving a text message. The last two scenes has
a shot of the phone with the text message and the main character texting back. I plan on
filming the rest of the scenes in the future.
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